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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Micro Interview: Gerald So

I’m starting the New Year with a return of the Micro Interview. This month I’m featuring writer Gerald So.  Gerald is editor of The 5-2: Crime Poetry Weekly and vice president of The Short Mystery Fiction Society. From 2001 to 2009, he edited the original fiction section of Kevin Burton Smith's Thrilling Detective Web Site.

HARD NOSED SLEUTH:  Talk a bit about the 5-2 and why you decided to operate it.

 GERALD SO: The 5-2: Crime Poetry Weekly website grew out of The Lineup: Poems on Crime series of annual chapbooks I co-edited with Patrick Shawn Bagley, Reed Farrel Coleman, Sarah Cortez, Richie Narvaez, and Anthony Rainone. When The Lineup succumbed to high printing costs in 2011, I decided I still wanted to publish crime poetry, and developed a format that would eliminate these costs and take advantage of the Web's capacity for audio and video to keep poetry on people's minds year-round.

 HS:  You've been active in the Short Mystery Fiction Society and its Derringer Awards for a while. What do you see as the benefits of organizations like this?

 GS: There are so many worthy causes out there that need groups like the SMFS to keep them in the public eye. As someone who loves short mystery fiction as a form, I'm glad to turn more people on to it. I feel I have to do my part to see that it receives as much recognition as possible.

 HS: I ask this of everyone I interview: When did you know you were a writer?

 GS: I knew I wanted to be a writer when I was 13, and my school library published a classmate's book. Somehow, that gave me an urge to write that I knew wouldn't subside.
 Thanks for the opportunity.

 HS: My pleasure! Thanks for your time!

BLATANT SELF PROMOTION CORNER: Mind Wings Audio Books has released the third installment in my northern/western series about the frontier town of Sorrow, Michigan. Justice Comes to Sorrow is a dark ride into the pit of mans soul. Check it out at Mind Wings Audio