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Monday, March 7, 2011

Photos I Found Interesting

Bathing Beauty

This photo was in an old album I found while cleaning my book room. I'm not sure when I got the album or where. What I do know is this is from a family's album, that she was some place tropical, and that there is a man in an army uniform in some fo the pictures. The people were around in the 1940s.


From the same album. I think the picture lives up to a thousand words.

Boys and Beers

The last of the three pictures I scanned. Tens guys knocking back beers. Were they going off to war? Were they coming back from war? Was the heist a success?

Are any of these flash worthy? If they are, say around 800-1000 words. Post on your blog, put your link in the comment section. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Derringer Nomination


Broken Down on the Bonneville Flats has been nominated for a Derringer.

Thanks to David Cranmer for his editorial expertise and for his wonderful website. Thanks to the readers.

Here's a link to the story: